Sunday, April 4, 2010


CORRECTION:  Kevin Ellis tells the SCPR the flooding issue discussion scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 6th at the Stark County commissioners "boardroom," (located in the Stark County Office Building) is to begin at 2:00 p.m.

Kevin Ellis of Louisville is one of Stark County's premier citizen activists.

He is so known for looking out for the interests of Louisville's citizens that Commissioner Todd Bosley tabbed him at last Wednesday's commissioners meeting as being the "deputy mayor of Louisville."

Undoubtedly, Pat Fallot, the newly elected Councilmember/Mayor of Louisville appreciates the efforts of Kevin to push Stark County into doing something about the chronic flooding problems being experienced in Louisville.

Ellis, was by the way, highly complimentary of the work being done by Mayor Fallot since taking office.  Commissioner Bosley seconded Ellis' laudation.

Recently, Louisville was hit by another flooding situation that necessitated emergency services.  Ellis at Wednesday's meeting pointed out that Commissioner Bosley went into action marshaling emergency forces to deal with the situation at hand.

But Ellis' real mission was to express concern about budget cuts (owing to current Stark County financial crisis) to the Stark County Soil and Water Conservation operation which he believes will further delay county action to solve a persistent flooding problem in the Constitution City.

He brought a copy of a petition to the current commissioners that had been submitted on July 27, 2000 to then Commissioners Gayle Jackson, John Dougherty and Jane Vignos, to wit:  "For Help in Solving Flooding Problems in Louisville, Ohio."

It's ten  years later and Ellis contends that nothing has been done to solve the Lousville flooding problem.

Ellis says he voted to retain the 0.50 sales/use tax imposed by commissioners in December, 2008.  It is a credit to Ellis that he did vote "yes" to retain the tax.    One would think that a frustrated citizen such as Kevin Ellis might not have supported retaining the tax.

How many of the affected in Louisville/Nimishillen Township were as generous as Ellis in the November, 2009 vote?  Not very many.  The retention went down  about 2 to 1.

The SCPR believes it is an outrage that the commissioners have sat on their collective duffs (multiple boards of commissioners) and have done nothing to solve the Louisville/Nimishillen flooding problem.

Commissioner Bosley has called a meeting to discuss the problem for Tuesday, April 6, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the Stark County commissioners' offices located on the second floor of the Stark County Office Building.

But don't look for anything remedial to be put into action.

What Louisville and Nimishillen Township can expect plenty of is "talk."

What's the expression?  "Talk is cheap."

Yes, it probably is the case that there is no money to do the fix now.

But don't the commissioners have a responsibility to the residents of Louisville/Nimishillen to go all out to do the impossible and find the money somewhere?

After all, the Board of Commissioners have let down Louisville/Nimishillen residents for way too long now.  To repeat, ten years, that's how long!

Is it believable that there has been no money for ten years?

Or is it that the commissioners as a matter of deed has assigned the Louisville/Nimishillen fix a low, low priority?

Here is a video showing Kevin Ellis before the commissioners and Commissioner Steve Meeks' response.

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