Saturday, April 17, 2010


An interesting campaign, no?

Jackson trustee Jamie Walters versus Lake Townhip home builder Dean Windham?

You talk about a "low profile" campaign for this abbreviated term as commissioner (2 years).

Has anyone seen a sign?

Yours truly hasn't.

Certainly there are signs somewhere throughout Stark County.  It just that the SCPR hasn't seen any.

Maybe the candidates are spending their effort doing mailers?

Neither is particularly well known.

Walters would have some I.D. in Jackson Township, where he is trustee.  But not likely very much.  He has only been trustee for four years and serves in the shadow of two other longer serving trustees and Fiscal Officer Randy Gonzalez.

But he does have a website.  Not much of one as far the the SCPR is concerned.  Here is a sample (excerpt):

The "Bosley" and the "Tips" subscripts are from headlines in area newspaper which Walters has integrated.

Why would a candidate want to focus on a "soon-to-be" former commissioner and on an issue which is a non-starter for the foreseeable future?

Sounds like a campaign going nowhere to The Report.

Walters was at the commissioners meeting on April 14th, but said nothing.

Windham, perhaps, has even less I.D. than Walters.  He is a Lake Township home builder whose main qualification (see  bio on The Rep's Election Central) it seems to the SCPR as having built hundreds of homes throughout Stark County.

He is also a CPA who has minimal government experience (apparently limited to Marlboro and Lake Township appointed positions).

Like the Walters' campaign, Windham's does not appear to have much life to it.  The SCPR has not been able to find a website.

From the beginning, the SCPR has said that Democrat Tom Bernabei has this one in the bag no matter which among Walters and Windham surfaces to run against him.

What this means is that it nearly a certainty that Stark's Dems will still control the commissioners' office after the November election.

The likely lineup:  Ferguson (Democrat), Bernabei (Democrat) and Creighton (Republican).

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