Friday, August 1, 2008


Many Stark Countians are probably not that familiar with CleanOhio. This program operated by the Ohio Public Works Commission (since 2001) does wonders for Stark County's parks and trails according to Connie Rubin speaking for the Stark County Park District.

Eighteen (18) projects have been approved for Stark County since CleanOhio's inception.

The STARK COUNTY POLITICAL REPORT (The Report) will be presenting to readers a direct connection between CleanOhio and Stark County. The fundamental question readers should be musing on, based -in part- on information provided by The Report, is whether or not Stark Countians should vote to continue this program in November.

CleanOhio has been in existence since 2001 and this link gives details on the start up and the scope of the program.

Governor Strickland (a Democrat) and Republican Ohio General Assembly leaders Husted and Harris agree that CleanOhio is a non-partisan program that is a key to Ohio's economic re-development and important to cultivating quality Ohio green space and are asking Ohioans, including Stark Countians, to give continuing life by approving the measure in the next election.

The slideshow which accompanies this narrative gives a detailed list of the projects Stark County funded projects. A more readable version can be seen here.

In future blogs on CleanOhio, The Report will be providing readers with more information about the Stark County dynamics of CleanOhio on which Stark County voters can make an informed decision come November.

Question: Knowing what you know about CleanOhio on August 1, 2008, what is your opinion on whether or not CleanOhio should be continuted?

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